End of the year holidays, you are in a nice beach in a tropical country, nobody nearby, all of a sudden, these two goddesses come from nowhere, (un) dressed up and... start a grudge fight by the water! A Foxy Combat production, cleverly named The Beach, with Nicola and Marlies.
Video removed by copyright owner request (Foxy Combat)
It is just a coincidence (or my awkward posting method) that Marlies had been featured in the yesterday´s post and again today: she has not payed to be advertised here... (just for laughs)
By the way, in the Theater Four you are going to find one or two dozen of YouTube clips, far less sexy than the above one.
Related to this, it would be great to feature Hana, who runs foxycombat and used to wrestle for DWW. Her matches, especially against Edita, were first rate.