Monday, March 12, 2018

Lotus Flowers

In this case, flowers are the gorgeous wrestlers and lotus is the vicious wrestling hold. I don´t believe it can happen in a truly competitive fight; it should require some colaboration from the victim. However, the Carolina segment below seems close to the real thing. 

The holds came from: Sabre (two segments), Lusa, Carolina Catfights (Kim vs Kaila), WWWC SLV 159, Double Trouble (Francesca vs Lisa), APLs 844 and 794. Unfortunately, the two nude ones are very short.



  1. what a beautiful female to female wrestling hold

  2. Lovely name for womens wrestling hold which although it appears to be a good way of applying pain to the victim who in several clips have cried out it doesnt seem to be sufficient to produce a submission.
