Sunday, May 29, 2011

Updates & Miscellanea

Theater One and Two are sporting new videos on the main screens. I am particularly fond of the four initial ones on Theater Two which show two very good competitive fights (and sexy...) very likely held at one WWC several years ago.

Let me remind you those full combat videos are prone to vanish from YouTube after sometime on display. Usually, from the about 150 options in each Theater (only the first 50 or something are visible due to a software bug somewhere), a dozen of them got expelled for any reason, mostly for either copyrights or nudity (or both).

Changing of subject, I guess most of you already have noticed that all comments from readers are moderated; they are published as soon as I get time to make a review; 99,9% are posted as an exact copy of the original and a very few are discarded because I judge them inappropriate.

The image above is just a beautiful example of the work of master Kazetanuki, from Japan.

That is it for a lazy Sunday...

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